
I used loved their shine
When they once were mine
But these shoes
Don't fit me no more

I had to hang them up
When everything got too tough
These shoes
Don't fit me no more

Yes that nostalgia’s intense
Sometimes it feels like a fence
Those days were heaven sent
I haven’t seen them since

Strong in my memory
Is that what's left of me?
These shoes
Don't fit me no more

If I try put em back on
Oh no it all feels wrong
These shoes
Don't fit me no more

Fairgrounds and circus tents
And all the money we spent
Those days were heaven sent
I haven’t known them since

I couldn't imagine the ending
I thought it was only beginning
These shoes
Don't fit me no more

That's just the roll of dice
It is the way of life
These shoes
Don't fit me no more

Buy me a crystal ball
Ends up I’d seen it all
Those days were heaven sent
Does anyone know where they went
Written by: Steven Gullett
Year: 2023.07
Performed by: Solo
Recordings: iPad, Video Demo, Logic
Chords: C Dm F G C F C F G A Bm D G A D E D E Eb Fm G# Bb Eb G# Bb G# Bb Eb9